Tag Archives: glaswegian



I’ve spoken to a few people who have had experience in Glasgow, whether it was for a visit or for an extended period of time. Many have commented about the Glaswegian accent and how it can be difficult to understand. Some went as far as to say I probably won’t understand it at all. I think it’s fair to say it may be difficult to understand at first, but I hope over time it will be easier. 

Upon doing further research on Glasgow, I came across this video on YouTube of someone kindly explaining how to speak and understand Glaswegian. It’s not only helpful and practical, but he also adds a bit of humour which I appreciate.

Here is lesson two on threats and aggression (which I am also adding to my information on safety abroad):

At least now I’m not going in with a completely blank slate. I wish there were more video lessons by him – he’s hilarious!