JB Goes to Scotland: About my student exchange.

This section of my blog documents my experience as an international exchange student studying abroad at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. It will include my experience on the application process as a graduate student at the University of Toronto, any interesting information I encounter or any thoughts and questions that come to mind as I research in preparation for pre-departure, my journey and transition while at Glasgow, as well as any thoughts and feelings upon my return. I plan to study abroad for a full academic year (September 2014 – June 2015).

This section, specifically the pre-departure preparation, is what I am focusing my Personal Learning Network (PLN) on for one of my classes at OISE, “LHA1194 – The Internet, Adult Education and Community Development.” A PLN is a connected informal learning network where the learner forms an interconnected group of various resources (people, websites, books, etc.) around a particular topic of interest, with the intention of gaining knowledge and information through these connections. It encourages self-directed, independent learning around our own areas of interests and what we are passionate about. PLNs also help create important real-world connections, especially in an environment where learning “inside of the classroom” is no longer the only avenue. Lisa Neilsen wrote a great article explaining PLNs and a step-by-step guide on how to develop a PLN.

I will be creating a PLN to help me prepare for my study abroad in Glasgow. To read more about it, including my goals and objectives for this project, please see my first post under the “JB Goes to Scotland” tab and also follow the PLN tag on my blog.

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